Friday, October 2, 2015

Fun facts about wolves! Information from:

Average life span in the wild:
6 to 8 years
Head and body, 36 to 63 in (91 to 160 cm); Tail, 13 to 20 in (33 to 51 cm)
40 to 175 lbs (18 to 79 kg)
Group name:
Protection status:
200,000 wolves living throughout the world. About 5,000 live in the lower 48 states of the United States, while between 7,000 and 11,000 live in Alaska.
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:

Reaon why I'm doing this cause I love wolves. They are amazing and truly awesome creatures! I understand why wolves are endangered is because people shoot them either for sport or because they are killing their cattle. If wolves weren't endangered I honestly think that would be crazy! Reason is because people kill them almost everyday. Making it so wolves probably might stay endangred. I dont want them in danger of being instinct. But if one was trying to kill a loved animal or person I would kill it; it would be devistating of course but I love my cousins and friends and such.
Well thats it for now!
See ya!
~Be yourself blogger

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