Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Contact for ideas!

Image result for Awesome craft ideas for halloweenImage result for Awesome craft ideas for halloween

Hey guys! My mind doesn't have a million ideas, I wish it did though! So Email me for ideas!
~be yourself blogger

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Collcetions on google.

So I just figured out there is collections on google and I am a bit confused about how it works but I do have one and here is the link I do believe its open to everyone and my friend has a communitiy called Anything~rp and she is +Lindsey Simpson  so join the community!  Thats all I have time for!
See you guys!            Collection:
~Be yourself blogger

Community link:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October idea for the home

Hey guys! I found amazing October Halloween ideas to share with you guys! Here they are
 The website to go to for amazing ideas:

 Have an amazing day everyone! Sorry if my blog's boring  let me know how to improve it 
~be yourself blogger

 DIY Pumpkin Canvas Art with Buttons

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Distributive property basics

Hey everyone! My friend happen to struggle with the distributive property! So I am going to help her out like I promised =)
Here is the tutorial!!!

The Distributive property Tutorial!

Problem: Use the distributive property to solve the equation below.


Step 1: So you look at this problem and you're probably thinking it's too hard! Well my teacher told me PEMDAS (A.K.A. please excuse my dear aunt sally) except it more hard! You multiply 2 by the variable and 4.
my work: 2*x= 2x and 2*4=8

Step 2: Okay after you multiply what's in the parentheses by 2 you combine the like terms. What I mean by that is you subtract.
My work: 6-8=-2 (Negative 2)

Step 3: Almost done! All we have to do is divide! If you don’t know how to divide a negative and positive all you do is ignore the negative sign and add it later! After you divide you will get the solution to x!
My work: 2 divided by -2= -1
Therefore x=-1

All done! See it wasn’t hard! multiply what's in the parentheses and combine like terms then divide!
Well I hoped this helped!
~Be yourself blogger

Friday, October 2, 2015

Fun facts about wolves! Information from:

Average life span in the wild:
6 to 8 years
Head and body, 36 to 63 in (91 to 160 cm); Tail, 13 to 20 in (33 to 51 cm)
40 to 175 lbs (18 to 79 kg)
Group name:
Protection status:
200,000 wolves living throughout the world. About 5,000 live in the lower 48 states of the United States, while between 7,000 and 11,000 live in Alaska.
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:

Reaon why I'm doing this cause I love wolves. They are amazing and truly awesome creatures! I understand why wolves are endangered is because people shoot them either for sport or because they are killing their cattle. If wolves weren't endangered I honestly think that would be crazy! Reason is because people kill them almost everyday. Making it so wolves probably might stay endangred. I dont want them in danger of being instinct. But if one was trying to kill a loved animal or person I would kill it; it would be devistating of course but I love my cousins and friends and such.
Well thats it for now!
See ya!
~Be yourself blogger